Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Simply Juz Love This Game !!!

MyPaper Team: Crazy YET Team Members ---

Zheng Ning, Yet, Ben, Seven, Henry

Sometimes, I just can't understand what is the fun of a few guys trying to get a hand on this orange ball and putting it into basket. Last weekends, I thought I have got an answer.

As mentioned in the previous blog entry, I was invited to honour the opening of a basketball tournament, as well as to play in the matches. The tournament has attracted boys to men across all walks of life, nationality, age and races. We bounced, we attacked, we defended, we teased, we felt frustrated, we challenged, we sweat, we learnt to accept defeat, we took pride in winning, we made friends, we shaked hands ... etc etc ... AND we are all there for one reason - WE Simply Juz Love This Game.

It was a long game and really a test of one's stamina and attitude. I would say that the game is more of a survival game than a game of challenge of skills. With a set of good skiils but without perseverence to last such a long game, any group would have lost the game by half. This is a tournament that we would not see result instantly and a twist in result standings is possible at any point of time. Hence, along the way, we have to constantly remind ourselves to just enjoy the game and not focus too much on the results.

I was teamed with 4 China players who have called in to register after reading the news on MyPaper. These 4 young chaps treated me like a superstar and wanted to make sure I played in every game. Thanks boys for the respect. But like I said I'm no superstar, I'm just a normal being who love this game, same as you. :)

In any game, everyone has a fair chance. It is not about personal play but a team spirit. Thank you for working so hard to fight till the last min of the game. 3 games out 7, yes we may not have done so well based on numerical figure, but we have fun and we have fought hard in the other 4, ain't we? Haaaaa.

All the best for your studies.

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