Sunday, November 30, 2008

Republic Polytechnic Reflection 08 Closing Bash, 28/11/08, 8pm

An Hour Leeway and the audience are screaming !!! Music has no barrier !!!

Reflections is Repbublic Polytechnic's Community Arts Festival. This year, its Closing Bash was held on the 28th Nov 2008. Thank the organisers for inviting me to perform at the Closing Bash.

It was my first time performing at RP's 1500 capacity auditorium-concert-theatre. I must say the place is so well equipped and shiok singing on the stage.

Was there at around 3:30pm for sound check, 6pm to set up sales booth, 8 pm to gather at the backstage and 9pm was my turn to sing. Sang 2 songs: 1. An Hour Leeway & 2. Wonderful Love. Both are mandarin songs. Oh yah ... I was informed by my personal assistant that90% of the audience was Malays and I guessed they were there to support Singapore Idol Taufik. And yah, Republic Poly is a "international" poly.

I must really thanks the audience for screaming with me throughout the performance though I'm singing in Mandarin. Thanks for listening to my music for 10 mins.

Met Taufik for the first time. Nice chap. As we were all rushing for autograph, just managed a handshake but hey he is humble and well mannered. Hope we could work together one of these days.

Taufik, thanks for relating the message to the audience to support local arts.. Salute !!!

And to the team at RP, you are GOOD !!! Really GOOD !!! Though I am yet just an unknown local artist, you have made sure I am well taken care off througout. I like that profesisonalism !!!

Keep it up everyone !!! And keep it touch.

Crazy YET sings for Charity, 23 Nov 2008, 1:30pm

Fern and Zuo En introducing Crazy YET on stage !!!

It was a HOT HOT HOT day !!! But the people around were COOLZ !!

Everyone was there for a good cause, raising funds for the Buddhist Research Society and The Buddhist Library in order to benefit the less previleged. There were close to a hundred (or more) stalls selling different things at the charity event.

YET & Intune FAMILY with the Organiser.

Thanks to Intune Music for inviting me to guest perform at such a meaningful event. It was really great for me as a singer-songwriter to be able to use music to help others. Apart from those volunteers at the charity stalls, I must commend that the students from Intune Music really brought good energy and attitude to the show. Despite the unbearable heat, everyone was wearing a smile on their faces, dressing their best waiting for their turns to contribute their fair bit to the good cause. I was rather touched to see that the principal/director Qi Sheng Lao Shi was there throughout with his students to guide them through the whole show. Intune, keep that family bonding going ... !!!

I would also like to thank the organiser for bringing in such a good system which really add vibes to the show alot alot alot !!!

And and ... Fern ... my duet partner from Intune Music, thank you for learning the song in such a short time and u have sung well. Most importantly, I see that you are really serious about performing. Keep it up !!!

Last but not least, want to thank my family and particularly a good friend Jaslyn for being part of the event and the support you have given me since day 1 of the album launch.

I will work harder and harder and make sure things get HOTTER as day goes by ... haaaaa

Monday, November 24, 2008


那一天, "Heartlands CLAP!社区生活艺术节目"在Kreta Ayer Square, 22/11/2008 (星期六), 7:30pm"


哇,这不就意味着<<那个疯狂的人>>将大红大紫?因为据工作人员透露这是"Heartlands CLAP!社区生活艺术节目"在Kreta Ayer Square主办活动长久以来的头一遭。更巧的是,电流中断就在歌曲正要唱到"。。。那个疯狂的人是我。。。"之前爆发。




Sunday, November 23, 2008

"祖亲节" - 15 Nov 2008, 7pm, Chinese Restaurant at Tiong Bahru Plaza



搞活动也好,参与表演的也罢,大家看到的也许只是舞台上那几分钟到几小时的光芒,试问有多少人肯真心诚意去了解我们背后的酸甜苦辣呢? 深夜不睡觉,拼命想点子。活动当天,最早出门,最迟回家。搬运器材时,扭伤的不为将成为一辈子的痛。不过我们这些搞活动搞演出的还真的是不被"恶势利"屈服。因为我们深深明白要长期活得充实和有意义,只要心中有快乐,人人就会快乐。那些欺负人的,我们学会了饶恕,即使他对我们再坏。饶恕将给予自己快乐,最终也将给予那人快乐。


我很喜爱唱歌给长辈听。他们总能带给我多一份平静。当天庆祝的是"祖亲节"。友人A提议我唱一些歌曲来娱乐大家,同时也可以把歌曲介绍给另一个年龄阶层的人士。Auntie, Uncle, Ah Gong, Ah Ma, and everyone, 你们的掌声将永远在我心中响着。


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Simply Juz Love This Game !!!

MyPaper Team: Crazy YET Team Members ---

Zheng Ning, Yet, Ben, Seven, Henry

Sometimes, I just can't understand what is the fun of a few guys trying to get a hand on this orange ball and putting it into basket. Last weekends, I thought I have got an answer.

As mentioned in the previous blog entry, I was invited to honour the opening of a basketball tournament, as well as to play in the matches. The tournament has attracted boys to men across all walks of life, nationality, age and races. We bounced, we attacked, we defended, we teased, we felt frustrated, we challenged, we sweat, we learnt to accept defeat, we took pride in winning, we made friends, we shaked hands ... etc etc ... AND we are all there for one reason - WE Simply Juz Love This Game.

It was a long game and really a test of one's stamina and attitude. I would say that the game is more of a survival game than a game of challenge of skills. With a set of good skiils but without perseverence to last such a long game, any group would have lost the game by half. This is a tournament that we would not see result instantly and a twist in result standings is possible at any point of time. Hence, along the way, we have to constantly remind ourselves to just enjoy the game and not focus too much on the results.

I was teamed with 4 China players who have called in to register after reading the news on MyPaper. These 4 young chaps treated me like a superstar and wanted to make sure I played in every game. Thanks boys for the respect. But like I said I'm no superstar, I'm just a normal being who love this game, same as you. :)

In any game, everyone has a fair chance. It is not about personal play but a team spirit. Thank you for working so hard to fight till the last min of the game. 3 games out 7, yes we may not have done so well based on numerical figure, but we have fun and we have fought hard in the other 4, ain't we? Haaaaa.

All the best for your studies.

more photos on:

videos on:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

4-ON-4 Jammers Basketball Tournament篮球联赛, 15/11/2008 (Sat, 9:00am), HomeTeam NS Clubhouse, Balestier

This is a match that I have been looking forward to. The first tournament that I'm playing as an artiste. The first tournament that I'm honouring the opening. Thanks Project Hoopz ( for the invite.

MyPaper published the news of the tournament on Tuesday 11/11/2008 and that the readers could register and form a team with me to play in the tournament. In no time, 4 China nationality called to register with Project Hoopz. Honestly speaking I was happy and at the same time amazed at how fast these guys get together and form a team and decided ro play alongside with me (even without knowing how "good" I'm at basketball ...) haaaa ... but but my dear team ... I''m a hardworking player. Haaaa ...

Do pop by and have fun and support and cheers for all sports enthusiasts. If time allows, I may even sing a few songs. And thanks to the organiser for setting up a booth for sale of my debut album.

Okie ... gotta go and do some exercise ...

Monday, November 10, 2008

今日快报! on


15/11/2008 (Sat, 9:00am), HomeTeam NS Clubhouse, Balestier
叶敦鸿受邀担任新加坡唯独的4-ON-4 Jammers Basketball Tournament篮球联赛嘉宾,并为联赛主持开幕仪式。叶敦鸿也特地邀请<<我报MyPaper>>读者一起"斗牛"!!!

28/11/2008 (Fri, 8:00pm), The Republic Cultural Centre 1000-seater Theatre
The Republic Polytechnic Arts Festival, Reflections 2008 Closing Bash

04/12/2008 (Thurs, 11:10am - 11:30am), Y.E.S 93.3FM
Interview by Jiahui

13/12/2008 (Sat, 2:00pm - 4:00pm), Tiong Bahru Plaza Central Stage
YET叶敦鸿<<那个疯狂的人>>环岛签唱会 (第二站)

21/12/2008 (Sun, 3:00pm - 5:00pm), 碧山第八站二楼室内广场
YET叶敦鸿<<那个疯狂的人>>环岛签唱会 (第三站)

*请点击 <<最新消息>>预知更多详情。

YET another Ge-Tai Promotion 04/11/2008, 8:00pm, Hougang

I sang 3 songs, 2 of which are covers by Wang Jie and the other one is Crazy YET. It is yet another opportunity given by the Ge-Tai seniors for me to promote myself and my debut album. The people doing the sound and lights are also seniors. One auntie on the sounf and one uncle on lights control (all computerised) . Found out that they are actually a couple who are very onz about music. Met a few artistes who are seasoned singers on Ge-Tai, a couple of them are about my age and even younger.

So far, experience to be on Ge-Tai is refreshing. Because you really never know what you gonna get at every Ge-Tai and such uncertainty really force us to train ourself manage wtih any hiccups that come by. But one thing for sure, people are very couraging and clappings/applause are always there.

Thank you all. Really, other than thank you, I can't find any better word. So, thank you all.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Interview on NTU Radio Fusion 音乐宇航员,16/10/2008 (Thurs, 3:00pm – 5:00pm)

Finally decided to give myself 2 weeks of rest to take stock of the past events I have done for the publicity for Crazy YET Debut Album. At the same time, will be planning for the the next round of publicity for Nov 2008 - Mar 2009.

While looking thru the events blogs, I realised that I have not yet blogged the interview done at NTU Radio Fusion. Beow is a little entry:

音乐宇航员 musicaviators, a programme dedicated to local music and Mandarin independent music on NTU's Radio Fusion, invited Yet on air to introduce his songs on "Crazy Yet" and also songs he liked.

Student DJ Xiao3Yu3 contacted me for an interview and songs sharing session on Radio Fusion. Prior to the interview, he actually came to support me at my 1st autograph session at Tampines Mall. And we took a rather candid photo which both of us don't really look too presentable (Haaaaa !!!) ... ayyy, .... so I will not put that up yah ?!!! ...(hohoho!!!). Xiao3Yu3, let's find one day to take a good pix together and post it up yah, maybe we shall meet at Bugis Junction for a neo-print !!!

XY is a shy big boy lah but I like his humble attitude lah. On air, the first hour, our focus was on the process of album making and also production of the album tracks. This boy has done a good homework crafting the questions. The second hour was on introducing local indie production. This boy really left it to me for my own creativity man. Thanks a lot for the trust.

I have had a good time in that small little corner of NTU. And artistes who have been there must have loved the fish-tank concept of Radio Fusion studio. I particularly loved it, especially when we were in the middle of recording and watching people so busily flowing by. I was like, why are we so busy with LIFE, or do we know exactly why are we so busily walking up and down? Then I suddenly realised how fortunate it is to be xiao yu (small fish) ...

Friday, November 7, 2008

More Vids and Photos of the Concert !!!

This album has allowed me to share happiness and joy with many people. Mel in her little way, in turn, shared her joy she has experienced at the concert through her blog. Thanks Mel for the blog entry. Thanks for putting in so much effort to get those vids up.

Friends, enjoy!


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Part 2 - Photos of Mini Concert

Singapore Art Museum, a nice place for artiste performance.

Album Sales booth

This family bought my first CD at Singapore Art Museum

Students and teachers from St Hilda's Secondary, I'll see you in school for that little boy. Ha.

Thanks for the waiting. Technical problem in the set-up. Thanks for the patience for allowing me to set up the keyboard proper, trouble-shooting the LCD projector, solve the problem of not enough wires for the instruments. And of course, a rush sound check.

Thanks for the autograph.

My greatest motivation !!!

YET at work ... no matter where, no matter when/what/how and no matter who ... I'll do my best.
My music partner and good friend, Erick. Thanks for your sincerity playing for me. Hard work but we learned a lot yah.

Though practice makes perfect, it takes understanding between two to put up a good show.

My special guest. Thanks for going through these hard times with me. Your attitude towards music and handling situation deserve my respect.

Action speaks louder than words. Thanking my loved ones.

Life is like a box of chocolates, who says not? This concert, I have learnt alot. Hence, hope to share with all of you the chocolate. Haaaaa ...

Jamie, thank you for understanding the request of additional rehearsal to stage a good show. Appreciate that you have responded to my personal request despite short time notice. I'm thankful for your professionalism. Thanks for arranging the full rehearsal for me though I'm not any Superstar ... as I have mentioned to U, I promise you I'm a serious artiste who takes pride in my work and will make sure the audience who step into museum, feel worth it . Thanks for assigning Tom to work with me. The whole performance was well controlled with his presence. And everyone has a good time.

Tom, you make a good event person. Little explanation and you understand the whole chunk of mess. And you get things done fast. Thanks for staying with us through the rehearsal and the positive enrgy U have brought to the performance. Thanks for being so cool despite the hiccups on the actual day. Hope to work with you soon. Keep up the good work.

Thanks Wanling from Echo Music, Attitude determines Altitude.

From Xinyao to now, you guys have taught me to stay true to what I believe. We came together 15 years ago for the love of music and we stay together for this simple love. My dear friends, thanks for the friendship.

No MAN is an island. LIFE is not just about power and money, hierachy and achievements. I'm not a superstar, I'm just like you guys who live a simple life, with simple friends like you, having a simple dream. Let's work hard together.

Thank you Echo Music. Singapore young musicians need good guidance from you.

3 Cheers to Singapore Art Museum !!!

I always believed that one person's success belongs to others. The success of the concert is not my success. It's your success because all of you have made it happen. Thank you everyone.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Crazy YET Life Music Concert 2008 (Unplugged) 创作狂人叶敦鸿LIFE音乐会2008, 25 Oct 08, 7pm (Part 1)

Thanks Singapore Arts Museum and Echo Music School for this wonderful opportunity staging my first ticketing mini concert. I would like to thank everyone for the full turnout and each and every one for making this event a successful one.

Why is it called "Crazy Yet Life! Concert"? Crazy Yet not because my music is crazy; Crazy Yet simply because Life got several twists because of music. And Yet persists to conquer any challenges. It's crazy (and I have fallen many times and may fall again) but it makes Life worth living (when you learn to pick up again and move on). At each phase, there is always something would have caused an impact or marked a change. For me, it's music. And in the concert, I have shared songs of a significant meaning in my Life. Hence, Crazy Yet Life! Concert.

Let me present you a couple of videos first.

The song that I enjoyed alot in primary school

The song that got me started as a pub singer.

Stay tune for more !!!