Monday, October 6, 2008

Crazy YET Debut CD Launch 20/09/2008 (Part 2)

Photos are here ... fresh from photoshops.

J Cafe @ MICA Building

Exclusive Interview (NTU Nanyuan Chronicle)

Finally LAUNCHED !!!

Crazy YET Album Sales broke ZERO !!!

Thank U for making me feel like shining little STAR !!!

Sign sign SIGN ... with my heart...

Another Local D.I.Y Artiste, Bevlyn Khoo

Ocean in Green and China D.I.Y "San Xian" Instrumentalist/Artiste Jessica in Black

WuYu and Emcee Jieying

Joyce, thanks for your time.

The MV hereos who stood by for these 3 long years.

Friends from MusicDreamer/Ai Qin Hai Cafe. U guys changed ur appointment to attend my launch, K came all the way down with that little baby all by herself. Hey, I'm so blessed to have you all around me.

Thanks all of you for your support.

So touched ...

Now, I know why girls like to receive flowers ... Coz it's so sweet ... haaa

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have come. As well as J Cafe for sponsoring the venue and the wonderful food and drinks. My gratitude towards Debbie and Mr Phun, for your support. And Junheng, for being my Number 1 BABY FAN !!!

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