Friday, December 26, 2008

D.I.Y Set-Up at Junction 8, Saturday, 20/12/2008, 11.30pm

Who is so crazy to do his own backdrop, set up his own stage, do his own soundcheck, set up his own album sales booth, do his own promotion, be his own manager, his own event producer, etc etc etc ... YET is the one !

Prior to the set-up, I have already 3 other events in the Saturday morning. Actually I could choose to do the set-up at the atrium early Sunday morning prior to the autograph session. However, with past experience, I dare not take chance, and on Sunday itself, I have to return to do sound check, then rush to judge the talentime at Chinatown Point, and then back to Junction 8 again for the autograph session. So, I thought better set up earlier.

Connie (OMY Editor and Radio1003 DJ) asked," do I really have to make my life so rush..." when she learnt that I have to rush off to J8 from Chinatown Point at the judging table. Erm ... I think the most important thing is when the opportunity knocks, just have to grab and do my best. Have to take every opportunity as it never comes again and put our heart in it and enjoy ourselves doing what we are doing.

So, I called up Jessie from Junction 8 to arrange for late set-up. As there was a late-night shooping going on Saturday at J8, I could only go in at 1230am Sunday. SURE!!! Jessie is really good at getting things done and she is an experienced event person.
When green light was given, I started calling for helpers and thanks Firuz, Songguang, my loved one for readily sacrifying their sleep and do such crazy thing with me ... though they had no idea what I'm getting them into .. haaaaaa

Work started at 12.30am and ended at 2.30am. This piece of work which will cost about $1000 plus (as quoted by company, including banner, putting up and removing) to get done, spent me about far less than a grand to complete. But of course, that is because I have good helpers. I really appreciate all of you. Thank you.
work begins ...
sweat and tears ...
the difficult part comes ...
ideas struck ...
let's do it ...
cheers ...

hard work ... finally

let's strive step by step


Unknown said...

越战越勇! 最重要是开心。。。

Unknown said...

true true. U 2.