I am not a philosopher, I am not a teacher. I am just someone who Live a Life and Learn from Life. I have only the rights to share my experience but no rights to impose/preach anything on/to anyone. When Life betters me as a person, I could finally say then I know I'm here at least for a purpose.我不是哲學家,更不是什么教育家。我只是一個用生命去學習生活的凡夫俗子。我唯有的資格只限于分享我的經歷,好讓有心人引以為戒。當“生,活”教育了我,到時我才會甘心對自己肯定我的日子沒白過。。。
When you feel like giving up, think of this man.
If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?
If you complain about your transport system, how about them?
If your society is unfair to you, how about her?
If you think you are unhappy, look at them.
If you think your job is tough, how about her?
If you think your salary is low, how about her?
If you think you don't have many friends...
If you think study is a burden, how about her?
Enjoy life how it is and as it comes
Things are worse for others and is a lot better for us.
There are many things in your life that will catch your eyes but only a few will catch your heart....pursue those...
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