Monday, February 23, 2009

NTU Impresario 2009 Semi Final, Junction 8, 8 Feb 2009, 4pm (Part 2)

Guest perform 2 songs, Crazy YET and Wonderful Love. The students and audience were great. Met the Impresario 2009 organising committee, a bunch of inspiring youngsters. Also met ambassador friend Kewei and one of the judges from Ocean Butterflies Music Forest Xueling, previously colleague at

Thanks Yuanrong from NTU taking care of me. Thanks Cindy and Junhao from Sembawang Music for manning the booth.

Thanks IMPRESARIO 2009 for the invite and I'll see everyone at the Finals. More details at

Kewei & YET

YET & Xueling from Ocean Butterflies Music Forest

YET & Junhao from Sembawang Music

YET & Yuanrong from Impresario 2009 committee

Cindy from Sembawang Music, Junction 8.

Spot my album !!!???!!!

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